Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Restuarent Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Restuarent Analysis - Essay Example There was entirely everything one could imagine having for lunch at that particular place. There were myriad kinds of crusts ranging from traditional, deep fish, special toast and others which actually reflected the rich variety at the restaurant. In the same vein, different kinds of sources were on offer in the place. In this category we had options like vodka source, barbeque, white and traditional red. The pizzas on offer actually cost between $3.50 which gave a six inch plain pizza to $18.75 which gave a fourteen inch pizza coupled with five toppings. The prices of particular pizzas range from $ 5.75 to $18.75. This basically depends on the size of the pizza and the particular creation the customer wants. After perusing the myriad choices availed in the menu, we opted for pizza and salad. The food arrived very hot and in reasonable amount. The service was also very decent. We also ordered traditional pan crust together with barbeque source. We had it go down with low-fat mozzarella cheese and pineapple. Indeed, the food was very tasty and excellent in appearance. The crust was very crunchy and the barbeque source was perfect in taste. The whole combination was very excellent except for the mere fact that the pineapple was in small amounts. The flavor of the salad coupled with the sweetness of the juicy pineapple presented a good and tasty combination. The chicken tenders we ordered came in the form of two whole chicken tenders in which case, the customer had to tear them or eat them whole. a For beer, I chose imported Newcastle Brown Ale while my sister opted for strawberry lemonade. The bear was very appropriate in darkness and gave a good top for the pizza. The lemonade was a bit sour but with the application of the strawberries and syrup, it had the appropriate sweetness. Indeed, the overall experience at Mother Bear’s was very good. The ambiance was

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